Monday, July 21, 2008

Hoarding- Think about it

The issue is there everywhere, in most homes and brewing. Some tolerate, some ignore, few quarrel & few others abuse. Here we are speaking of the phenomenon of "Hoarding".
Now!! Whats this new issue?? Do we know about this?

I saw the news on CNN today about the Hurricane "Dolly" & its warning in Texas and Mexican Gulf. The people there are asked to accumulate as much utilities as possible for day to day needs, like food, gas, candles, water and basic needs. This is to face the forth coming Hurricane. Is this phenomenon of accumulation a "Hoarding"??

The ants accumulate food in bulk to prepare for the chill winters ahead!! They fill the anthill with enormous stuff. Is this "Hoarding"??

Our neighbor uncle is retired, stays with wife & 2 adolescent sons. His house is a Junk yard. There is hardly any space to walk freely inside. There are all varieties of furniture, piles of newspapers, old books, decade old wall calenders, tons of used clothes, utensils, TVs, Radios and innumerable things. He finds all these things at home are useful and deny parting away or selling them.

So seeing this behavior of elders,
some tolerate, some ignore, few quarrel, others few abuse.
This is the issue, I am writing about. The Phenomenon of "Hoarding in Everyone's Life"

Our parents drained all their sweats to afford for heavy teak wood furnitures, utilities & basic comforts. Having overt attachment to these belongings is natural.
Family members often feel angry and resentful about a hoarder’s seemingly inexplicable behavior. They feel trapped and powerless, forced to stand by and honor a hoarder’s wish.
There is a feeling among young that hoarding is piling only junk. For Hoarders this is saving beautiful, precious & expensive stuffs. But the difference is, hoarders find beauty, utility in these stuffs where others find it to be too gaudy, useless, out of fashion and rubbish.
Its neither generation gap nor pathological disease in our parents nor an uncorrectable problem. None can debate over the issue or just develop differences with our parents. All is needed is to drive away the communication

May be few things can change the phenomenon...
  • Make the elders see the changing techno world
  • Include them in major decision making regarding household issues
  • Indulge them while planning to give away their old heavy furnitures
  • Think about having the old stuff renovated, polished or repaired to use
  • Influence them to gift away these stuff to needy like domestic help, maids, gardener, milkman etc. They will feel proud.
  • There is always place for a good old furniture in different rooms
  • Develop better relationships and gain their confidence before you act
  • Perseverance & patience helps
  • Remember that, Elders didn't need your help while getting the stuff. They still don't expect your authority to discard them.
This is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter
~Mark Twain about Age

Do not forget this Wheels of life.

The day you believe what your parent once said was right...
You will have a son who thinks you are wrong!!

Think about it!!!!!

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