Tuesday, July 13, 2010

1st Trimester....

I was just sinking into the thought that I am pregnant. The euphoria knew no bounds. All I wanted to know, was "When is the D Day!!?" I calculated my expected date of delivery (EDD) and that would be 9 months + 7 days from the last day of mestrual period (LMP). So the D Day happened to be 18th January.., the same date my nephew Adi was born. Thinking about the day made me even more excited, since it is still so vivid the day Adi was born & our joys had no end .

The count down began. We being a doctor couple showed no hurry to visit an obstetrician and preferred to wait till 8th week. During the time we window shopped for a good facility hospital and best doctor available in Kuala Lumpur.

I started on folic acid suppliments, which is a must to begin before conception to complete or atleast early pregnancy. This is to avoid possible neural tube defects in baby. I also began my daily doses of Iron and multivitamin tablets. I started munching on everything healthy as I felt I am underweight. Like everybody else, I too wished to have healthy baby and not just that, I was very adamant on having a baby girl only. I happily carried on with my pregnancy after confirming that baby is a Girl!! These were as per odd scientific & few Chinese calculations.

(Pls contact me for more details of How to get a Baby girl conceived ;-))

One day while I was home alone, I felt a bit lazy to eat anything & started feeling sick. I never realized I had begun to have morning sickness. It all started with throwing up after my folic acid tab. That day when I went to Hypermarket to buy some grocery, I could not stand there. The annoying durian fruit odour flew me off from there. And after that began one after the other. My CKone perfume, Pantene shampoo, musk melon, and so on..

My caring husband took care of kitchen, laundry & everything. I discussed with him. I cannot go on like this . I should find some way out to get rid of this sicky feeling. My husband told me sit in the doctor chair. Impersonate as doctor & patient yourself and you will find a solution. I did so. I came out with 101 solutions & began applying it on my patient (me).

1. I started to wake up early. Go for morning walk after eating some cereals or almonds.

2. Exercise lightly

3. Eat every 2hrs something which I am very found of like Hot rice, ghee & curry. My husband took at-most care not to repeat the curry for 1week.

4. Munch on dry fruits whenever hungry.

5. Avoid stuffs which aggravate my nausea like durian fruit, certain perfumes etc.

6. Read the books about pregnancy

7. Meditation for few minutes when I feel low

8. Take frequent naps

9. Visit malls & see people around.

10. Dont sit up late.

11. Drink milk with DHA powder

12. Eat flavored yogurt if milk is awful.

After all this. I never realized when my 1st trimester ended & all this sick feeling just vanished off.

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